Prime Properties -  your real estate invistment



The Prime Properties Real Estate Fund investment platform offers investors the opportunity to participate in real estate opportunities.

Why an investment fund?

An investment fund is a financial company whose mission is to invest in projects chosen for their growth opportunities. This structure enables collecting a sum of money (funding) from a number of investors (pooling) to then invest in a variety of assets (diversification). In addition to the security provided by a regulated environment, the attraction is to invest in assets that investors could not purchase alone, to which they could not have had access (certain investments being reserved for certain categories of investor), to diversify risks, to benefit from professional management and administration in an environment that is obliged to ensure risk control.

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1. Prime Properties is incorporated as a limited partnership with shares. Its administration is vested in a general partner, Prime Properties Management S.A. (the “General Partner”); 2. Prime Properties is a specialized investment fund which qualifies as an Alternative Investment Fund within the meaning of the law of July 12, 2013 relating to managers of alternative investment funds. Its management (portfolio and risk management) is carried out by an independent management company regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF): Fuchs Asset Management (the “Manager”); 3. An investment committee has been established to provide advice to the General Partner and to the Manager (investment / divestment proposals, due diligence, advice on asset selection). It is composed of external members and representatives of the General Partner and of the Manager.


A. Investment funds are obliged to entrust their assets to a custodian which must be a credit institution within the meaning of the amended Luxembourg Law of 5 April 1993 on the financial sector. The custodian bank is entrusted with the dual mission of the custody of the fund’s assets and monitoring the regularity of certain transactions carried out by the latter and/or its management company. B. The Fund is also obliged to appoint an independent, certified auditor who conducts the statutory accounts audit, to ensure, through extensive checks, that the financial statements offer a fair reflection of the financial position of the fund.